On most anabolic steroid product descriptions, you’ll likely find a column for half life. For anyone new to steroids, you might be wondering what this even means. Sounds like high school chemistry class all over agin. In this article, we will break down (pun intended) what half life for a steroid means, and how that can have an effect on your workouts and cycles.
How to Calculate Half Life for Anabolic Steroids
In short, every drug has a half life, whether that’s with steroids or prescription drugs. If you were to inject 200mg of Winstrol once a week, for 6 weeks straight, knowing the half life essentially lets you know when you can be completely “off” the drug. This is valuable information whether you’re looking to take a drug test or want to get clean before moving onto a different cycle.
Contrary to what some may believe, our bodies won’t immediately be “off” a drug after the last dose. A night’s sleep isn’t going to rinse the compounds from the body. Instead, you would need to calculate the half life of the drug.
Take Deca for example. Its half life is approximately 14 days. This means that 14 days from your last shot of 200mg of Deca, your blood levels of Deca will contain 100mg of the steroid. Another 14 days from then, i.e. 28 days from last dose, your blood levels will contain 50mg of the steroid. This amount then keeps halving every 14 days. As you can see, even when you finish your cycle and are not putting any steroids into your body, it may take weeks or even a couple months for your body to be clear of any steroids. You may think that you are now “off” the steroid, but have and will still have for some time after your last dose, “active” blood levels of the steroid.
Planning Around Half Lives of Steroids
With that information in mind, it could be important to plan around the half life of steroids for your schedule ahead. Depending if you have any competitions or events lined up, it may be useful to know the half life of your current cycle and to plan accordingly.
Below a list of half-live’s of the most commonly used anabolic steroids:
Anadrol Half Life: 8 to 9 hours
Anavar Half Life: 9 hours
Dianabol Half Life: 4.5 to 6 hours
Madol (Methyltestosterone) Half Life: 4 days
Deca-durabolin Half Life: 14 days
Equipoise Half Life: 14 days
Finaplix (trenbolone acetate) Half Life: 3 days
Primo-E (methenolone enanthate) Half Life: 10.5 days
Sustanon Half Life: 15 to 18 days
Testosterone Cypionate Half Life: 12 days
Testosterone Enanthate Half Life: 10.5 days
Testosterone Propionate (Testovis) Half Life: 4.5 days
Winstrol (stanozolol) Half Life: 1 day
Acetate Half Life: 3 days
Propionate Half Life: 2 days
Phenylpropionate Half Life: 4.5 days
Enanthate Half Life: 10.5 days
Cypionate Half Life: 12 days
Decanoate Half Life: 15 days
Arimidex Half Life: 3 days
Clenbuterol Half Life: 1.5 days
Clomid Half Life: 5 days
If you are interested in the half life of anabolic steroids not listed above, feel free to send our support team a message! We strive to help you succeed in your body building journey and will gladly share our knowledge on the products we carry.