Unlike anabolic steroids which often have a standard recommended usage, your HGH cycle is going to depend on several factors. The most important aspects are your goals and what other steroids you’re stacking it with.
Because HGH is a great addition to cycles with wide ranging benefits from mass gaining to cutting, you will want to include it in the cycle to maximize the effects of other compounds. With that said, HGH is not a fast-acting substance, so don’t expect to see instant results. It must be used at longer cycle lengths before any benefits can be realized. Short cycles of HGH rarely yield results.
Therefore, whether you’re a beginner or a very advanced user, you will not want to use HGH for any less than 8 weeks at a time. Instead, the recommended length is 16 – 24 weeks for the cycle to be considered optimal. The effects of HGH will otherwise not have enough time to develop.
HGH Cycle for Beginners
Bodybuilders usually don’t pick up HGH until later on in their cycle, but with good advice, some beginners may also consider the use of it. It’s rarer to see beginners add HGH to their cycles since cycle length is usually positively correlated to a person’s experience in using anabolic steroids.
Beginners who want an all around result consisting of both muscle gains and fat loss will look at stacking HGH with a testosterone ester like Testosterone Cypionate. HGH should be used for at least 16 weeks at 3iu daily to get the full benefit, with testosterone at 400mg weekly for the second half of the cycle only.
HGH Cycle for Intermediate Users
Those who are ready to add another compound to the above stack will be well served to make use of Trenbolone, a more advanced and potent steroid which will considerably add to the mass gains you can achieve.
HGH will enhance the effectiveness of both Testosterone Cypionate and Trenbolone Enanthate during this cycle. The total cycle length can last up to 6 months (24 weeks) if desired, depending on how well your body works with HGH. At the very least, this cycle should be run for 16 weeks to allow time for HGH to work.
While not recommended to the average user, intermediate users can increase the HGH dose to up to 6iu daily, with both Trenbolone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate at 400mg weekly. These substances are all long lasting steroids, making them ideal for a longer cycle. Like HGH, Trenbolone also increases IGF-1, making this combination a perfect match for both mass gaining and fat loss goals.
Advanced HGH Cycle
Trenbolone is perhaps the most advanced anabolic steroid one can use, so it should also be included in any advanced cycle with HGH. The difference with the most experienced users from intermediate will be the addition of a dedicated cutting steroid called Anavar. Users can also include the addition of a lesser known, but very powerful hormone called T3 (Cytomel), which is highly useful near the end of the cycle to help reduce body fat to the leanest possible level.
This fat loss and cutting cycle is appealing as a pre-contest stack and also makes use of the effects of Trenbolone and Testosterone. However, testosterone is used only at low levels during such a cycle for supportive effects, with Trenbolone taking on the primary anabolic role.
If you are considering adding HGH to your cycle, feel free to reach out to our specialists for more advice. We’ll be happy to guide you to perfecting your ideal HGH cycle.