One of the most common questions by those eager and starting out is “How do I inject steroids?”. As stereotypical as this may sound, it is very important for anabolic steroid users to know how to properly inject. The consequences of injecting improperly can be very dire, hence having the proper knowledge is very much a necessity.
For starters, steroids are injected intramuscularly – directly into the muscle – and not intravenously, which means into the veins. Learning how to inject steroids properly and safely is critical if you are to gain confidence in using this form of androgen and anabolic steroid.
Like starting out with anything, injecting steroids can take some time and practice to get used to. When first starting out, the task can seem daunting, but as long as you follow proper procedures and use common sense, you will be more than fine. Be sure to take your time the first few tries. Never rush things. It won’t be long until you feel confident with injecting.
Maintaining proper hygiene is critical. Be sure to wash your hands, only used new and sterile needles, and clean area of injection with an antibacterial cleanser before and after injecting. And, to add on to the common-sense part – never share needles.
Injecting Steroids – Where Should I Start?
One thing is clear: steroid is injected into the muscle. However, choosing the best muscle or the one you are most comfortable with is something you’ll want to take some time to think about, as every muscle has their own pros and cons being the injection site.
The glutes are large muscles with less nerves and are a popular newbie choice, despite the fact you need to twist to get into position – after a few times this will become easier. Other muscle injecting sites include the thigh which is easily accessible, plus the deltoids, triceps and biceps. Whichever muscle you choose, make sure to rotate them from time to time so the injection sites can heal and recover.
The Injection Process
You might feel tense on your first few injection attempts, but it’s important to remain calm and allow the muscle to relax. Once you’ve drawn up your measured dose into the syringe, place it over your injection site.
Before you push down on the plunger, check first if any blood has surfaced after penetrating the skin. This is to make sure that you haven’t hit a vein. If you see blood, try another spot, using a new needle if you wish. Once you’re happy with the location, push down on the syringe plunger at a steady pace: not too fast.
Once you’ve removed the needle, swab the site for a for a minute and ensure it’s kept clean. The better your injecting technique becomes, the less risk of soreness you’ll experience.
At BioMed, we understand that injecting for the first few times can be daunting to novices. If you have any questions about injecting or any of our products, feel free send contact our customer support. We will be more than happy to sort you out.