Welcome back to BioMed for the year of 2021, we are excited to have you! We have chemists, pharmacists, doctors, athletes, and professional coaches on staff to help guide you through the world of performance enhancement. Today we are going to touch on how to start your first cycle and what to expect.
The most common question we receive is do I need to inject testosterone, or can it be consumed in tablet form? Absolutely everyone hates needles, and nobody really enjoys the process however there are pros and cons to both injections and orals. To begin we need to understand that anything that goes into our mouth will pass through the liver. Many orals have been designed to not break down as they pass through the liver and this has opened the door to more opportunities for beginners to try a testosterone/steroid cycle without the inconvenience of injections.
However, there are many more benefits to learning how to inject into the muscle. Injectables enter the body through the blood stream rather than the digestive tract. This means that there will be more usable testosterone flowing through your body than via orals that will lose some of their effectiveness as they go through the digestive system and liver. In addition, Tablets will cause a heavier burden on your liver. If you like those weekend nights that normally include some wine, vodka, or tequila shots, you may want to think about cutting down on your consumption as this will affect your liver negatively while taking orals.
The other thing worth considering is that the process of consuming an oral is substantially more cost prohibitive. If you are starting your first cycle and trying to decide which way costs less, the simple answer is injectables. Having said all this for a first-time cycle, sometimes orals are a good way to begin and see how the body reacts. You will begin to understand the impact that testosterone can have on increased recovery, better overall mood, enhanced libido, and greater focus.
One of the most common and overlooked facts about testosterone is that once a male reaches the age of 20, he has hit his peak testosterone levels. After the age of 20 a male loses 1% to 2% of their testosterone levels every year. Even a 30-year-old male may notice up to a 20% drop in their testosterone levels. This is why you’ll notice those love handles and softness in your core area as you near 30 years of age. Eventually low testosterone levels cause lack of sex of drive, lack of motivation and even greater health problems. Many theorize without facts that taking testosterone has negative health effects. In fact, the opposite is true! Dr. Douglas Miller, a board-certified physician with training in Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Advanced Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy clears the air in his article https://www.spartanmedicalassociates.com/benefits-of-trt/ . He speaks of cardiovascular benefits, increased muscle mass, increased bone density, better cognition and memory, restored libido, enhanced mood and much more.
Now that we have covered the pros and cons of both oral and injectable cycles, we are ready to suggest a good first-time or beginner cycle. A minimum duration for any cycle should be no less than 12 weeks followed by PCT (Post Cycle Therapy). These are recommended based on years of research and data.
Oral Cycle: Week 1 and 2 Anavar 40mg per day (4 tablets)
Dianabol 20mg per day (1 tablet)
Week 3 to 12 Anavar 60mg per day (6 tablets)
Dianabol 40mg per day (2 tablets)
Clenbuterol 50mcg per day (1 tablet)
Week 13 to 15 Clomid 150mg per day (3 tablets)
Injectable Cycle: Week 1 and 2 Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ week
Week 3 to 12 Testosterone Enanthate 500mg/ week
Deca Duraboline 250mg/ week
Turinabol 10mg/ day (1 tablet)
Clenbuterol 50mcg per day (1 tablet)
Week 13 to 15 Clomid 150mg per day (3 tablets)
HCG 750iu every-other-day