Most of us think we know how to do a proper push-up. But do we really? You’ve probably seen people at the gym, or in other settings (parties, perhaps), do some horrible push-ups with poor form. They might try to prove to you that 100 in a row is a piece of cake to them, but anything is easy when done incorrectly! In this article, we will go over what you must do (and not do) in order to perform a proper push up.
But first, why do push-ups at all?
Performing a push-up is more than an upper body exercise. It is a full body exercise requiring core stability and balance, as well as strength in your shoulders, arms, chest, and core to complete. Exercises that require the entire body are great because they teach your body to function as one complete unit, rather than breaking apart into uncorrelated chunks.
How Do Push-Ups Benefit from Anabolic Steroids?
Being a pharma site, it’s important for us to define this relationship, otherwise it won’t help our readers. Since push-ups are a full body exercise, with the help of anabolic steroids, you will be able to crank them out like a madman, while maintaining proper positioning of course. Select steroids such as D-bol and Sustabolic are great for giving your body more strength and energy to complete the workout.
So, what constitutes a proper push up?
The push up is a slow and deep lowering and raising of the body while the body remains straight and stiff. The body has to remain stiff and straight throughout the entire process, for the entire set. Only component that should be moving during this process is the person’s arms.
The body should remain straight at all times – at the top, during and at the bottom of the movement. This is accomplished by using your core stabilizer muscles, butt and legs to make your body as rigid and stuff as possible. In a proper pushup, your entire body is responsible for holding your body straight while performing the exercise – not just your upper body.
With that said, your upper body strength and core strength must be coordinated to do a proper push up. If either your upper body or core is weaker than the other, some imbalances will occur and the exercise’s effectiveness will be reduced.
Important Tips to Doing a Proper Pushup
- Don’t sag in your form. The mid section of your body should not drop down – you must remain
straight like a pencil. - Don’t raise your butt. Your butt should not be in the air for any reason, whether to rest or
decrease the distance the proper push up must travel. Remain straight - Don’t move your head and neck too much during the exercise. Doing so is your body’s
unconscious attempt to shorten the push up distance. Your whole body must be lowered and
raised. - Don’t bounce off the ground. Your body should stop short of touching the ground. Rising after
touching the ground is cheating with the help of a rebound effect. - Don’t stop short. You must complete the full range of motion to be considered a proper push
up. - Don’t go too fast. Going fast lets your body leverage elastic energy to make the workout easier.
Go slow and make every movement definitive. - Don’t rest. If you have to stop, the set is over.
If you find yourself committing any of these mistakes during the set, stop and start over. It is much more effective to perform a few good pushups than a dozen sloppy ones. You’ll get more physical benefits by performing each repetition perfectly than boasting high numbers of bad push ups.