The start of every effective workout is to eat the right mix of food. Even with the best workout schedule, highest degree of effort, and the top-shelf anabolic steroid supplements, a person’s physique can quickly fall apart if they don’t consume the right nutrients.
Among all food groups, experts agree protein is the single most essential nutrient for building lean muscles while repairing damaged muscles to further growth, but not all proteins are made equal. In this article, we explore the top 5 sources of protein to allow you to eat a healthy diet while packing on lean muscles.
Food #1: Fish
High in protein and low in saturated fats, fish is one of the best sources of clean protein for athletes looking to build rock solid muscles low in water weight. In particular, tuna and salmon are the 2 best contenders on this list. Both types of fish contain approximately 23 grams of protein per 100 grams of serving, making up for more than 90% of a fish’s total mass.
Food #2: Chicken
Most commonly known as the best source of protein by both athletes and elementary school teachers, chicken is the single most popular protein-rich source of food available to almost everyone in the developed world. Its fried form aside, chicken carries a hefty amount of protein per 100 grams (almost 24 grams), making it one of the best foods for packing on significant muscles without setbacks.
Additionally, one of the best things about chicken is it has practically zero carbohydrates and 11% fat content, allowing you to stay lean with almost pure protein intake. Check out some of our favourite chicken recipes that are both delicious and easy to make.
Food #3: Lean Beef
As another food excellent for building muscles, beef contains 23 grams of pure protein per 100 grams serving. Beef is also high in essential amino acids along with iron and vitamin B, and is commonly accepted as one of the tastiest foods in the world, served in the form of steak, burger patties, kebab skewers, and more. Easily accessible and easy to love, beef easily makes its way to our top 5 list. Just make sure to have lean beef instead of fatty beef, as the fat really makes a difference.
Food #4: Eggs
Easy to eat, eggs are packed with vital vitamins and high protein content, making it very beneficial to an athlete’s diet. Additionally, research have shown eggs to be one of the healthiest foods in the world, high in vitamins A, K, B, and E, while also packing several amino acids crucial for the development of muscles and growth.
The only thing to watch out for when preparing eggs is the amount of and type of oil being used. Ideally, hardboiled eggs are the top choice for body builders as it does not require the use of oil. On the contrary, scrambled eggs can be high in oil, so be sure to watch out for that.
Food #5: Almonds
The final recommended food on this list is not derived from an animal. Rather, it is harvested from plants, and thus friendly to our vegan readers.
Almonds are a highly nutritious snack that is a pretty rich source of vitamin E, magnesium calcium, and potassium. The nut also contains about 22 grams of protein in every 100 gram serving, making it the best alternative to any other entries on this list. Almonds also have the effect of making you feel full, so be sure to not overeat when mixing almonds into your diet.
Pick the Proper Protein before Starting Your Training
With the top 5 food packing protein disclosed, now is the time to pick your favourites, build your diet, and begin hitting the gym. But before you do, be sure to consider other non-dietary supplements that can help your physical growth as well. Read up on our article for the top anabolic steroid supplements that can fast track your physical results while yielding the least side effects today.