Building muscle can be easier said than done; for many people, gaining weight and packing on lean size is a daunting task and it’s often a struggle even after lifting with good form for years. Gym-goers will often try to load up as much weight as possible onto an exercise and bang out an exhausting 6-8 reps, compromising their form in the process. However, it’s been scientifically proven that lifting heavy weights almost always comes second place in comparison to using light weight, moderate to high reps, and most importantly: utilizing time under tension (TUT). Now, let’s delve further into the scientific evidence as to why TUT is the most efficient tool to use, when trying to pack on muscle.
What is Time Under Tension?
Simply put, time under tension (TUT) is exactly what it sounds like: it’s the term for how long a muscle is under mechanical tension, during an exercise. If you want to see some serious muscle hypertrophy, definitely don’t leave this out of your routine. TUT is a seriously intense way to progressively overload a movement, without using any heavier weight, and it also serves as a good pump-chasing technique. To increase muscle pumps while at the gym, Superman Cialis is your go-to product. Performing time under tension will tear down the muscle fibres a great deal more than your standard set would, as the eccentric is overloaded & muscles are under plenty strain.
Generally, when trying to reap as many benefits as possible from TUT, said lifter will want choose a specific rep tempo. Control the weight up in an explosive concentric that lasts around 1-2 seconds, pause at the top of the motion for 1 second, and lengthen the eccentric of the movement for as long as possible. A good amount of time for a TUT-emphasized eccentric is around 3-6 seconds. For extra muscular repair after these strenuous sets, take a tablet of Anavar to be repaired & ready to lift in no time. Don’t lock out your elbows on bench or your knees on leg press! To maximize TUT, you’ll also want to always keep the muscle under tension, which means you should avoid locking out on any lift, so that the muscle is constantly working. Once you lockout or rest mid-set, the time under tension you’ve tried to achieve has decreased substantially. Doing TUT will assist in myofibrillar hypertrophy, as well as sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.
What’s the evidence behind the benefits of TUT?
Studies by the Exercise Metabolism Research Group and Healthline state that “These data show that greater muscle time under tension increased the acute amplitude of mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic protein synthesis,” meaning that performing TUT helped the performants’ bodies synthesize protein through sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which is muscle growth due to the increase of sarcoplasmic fluid in the muscle (AKA the pump). Time under tension also increases the mind-muscle connection, which will ultimately help you target the desired muscle more efficiently. Targeting the muscle you’re trying to hit is one of the most important factors of bodybuilding, because that’s how it’s going to grow. To grow your muscles even more, try out TNT-450 or DHT.
Ultimately, time under tension is a great technique to use in order to build more lean tissue, as it increases sarcoplasmic hypertrophy protein synthesis and it helps increase mind-muscle connection. Simultaneously, performing your reps slower and more controlled, especially on the negative, will help you tear down more muscle fibres. Once these muscle fibres repair, they’ll grow back bigger and stronger than before, meaning it’s a good idea to try and tear as many muscle fibres as possible during your workout to maximize growth.