Every fitness enthusiast who has ever considered steroids has thought the same thing at some point — “Should I use orals or injectable steroids?”. Many newbies are put off by injectable steroids; either due to fear of needles, injecting incorrectly or just being a pain in the butt (literally).
Are injectable steroids really safer for users, and are oral steroids really as bad as their reputation suggests? In this blog, we will cover all you need to know about oral vs. injectable steroids, so you know what to expect and which method of administration is optimal for you.
What are Injectable and Oral Steroids?
Anabolic Steroids are lab-created synthetic compounds that are designed to resemble and mimic the actions of natural hormones within the body. Every androgenic anabolic steroid currently in existence is based upon testosterone, a very commonly which is a highly anabolic hormone found naturally in the human body (primarily males). The definition of anabolic means that it promotes muscle growth and creates a muscle-building environment within the body.
These products also have sexual health characteristics, helping with libido, sperm count, fertility, and sperm motility, etc. Some of the main reasons fitness enthusiasts are the following:
- Increase overall energy and endurance
- Improve athletic performance
- Increase strength levels
- Build muscle at a quick rate
- Burn fat easier
- Quicker recovery rates
- Additional benefits in the bedroom 😉
Methods of Application
Anabolic steroids can be given either through an injection in the vein/muscle, or by mouth (orally). The steroid is injected with a syringe and small needle into the targeted area. Oftentimes, there is generally some form of anesthesia beforehand with lidocaine or a spray to help ease the process. From then on out, you continue to dose properly while incorporating workouts and results come in no time.
Orally ingested anabolic steroids are easier to consume, but have a much shorter half-life compared to injectables and need to be dosed more frequently. Many fitness enthusiasts prefer commencing steroid use with oral tablets and then taking the next step to injectables. For the most prolific results out of these products, the best route to take is injectable steroids. They remain in the bloodstream for much longer and provide very noticeable and impressive gains over a prolonged period of time.
How Can Anabolic Steroids Be Used?
Anabolic Steroids are often used in patterns referred to as “cycling.” This involves taking multiple doses of steroids over a specific period of time, stopping for a period of time, and beginning again. Users also typically “stack” the steroids, meaning that they take two or more different anabolic steroids at once, or mixing oral and/or injectable types together. Our Biomed team highly recommends taking the recommended dosages listed both on the product pages & products themselves. We have lots of helpful blog posts in regards to safely cycling and dosing your anabolic steroids.
Final Thoughts
Making the decision to use anabolic steroids is not a minor one; it’s an important decision and comes with lots of maintenance. Though it may seem like a hassle, the end results are well worth the consistency and care you have to take when on a cycle. Now that you’ve reached the end, you should know all about injectable & oral anabolic steroids and how to use them correctly. While anabolic steroids come with associated risks, when taken correctly, it can lead to endless benefits to your physique and self confidence. Shop the highest quality anabolic steroid products here with Biomed, and get that physique you’ve always dreamed of.