For men past the age of 20, it is common to eat clean, work out four to five times a week, and still be stuck with unwanted abdominal blubber. You’re doing everything right, but why still hasn’t your 8-pack shown its face under all the belly fat?
Believe it or not, you’re not alone. For most men, belly fat is the #1 hardest area to slim down on. Even if you have a defined and lean upper body, it is still easy for you to have the last bit of fat on your torso. The secret? It lies in your habits and the supplements you use.
Testobolin 400 – The Ultimate Belly Fat Remover
To thoroughly and most efficiently rid yourself of unwanted belly fat, unless you plan on staying active on your feet 16 hours a day while eating chicken breasts for 7 days a week, some supplements is necessary. Testobolin, also known as Testosterone Enanthate or the ultimate belly fat remover, is an injectable anabolic steroid compound that is known for its prowess to shred weight and build lead muscles.
As one of the oldest and most widely used anabolic steroids, Testobolin 400 is a slow release oil-based substance, with a long release rate and half life that will allow your body to burn fat much more efficiently than with any other alternative supplements. With the combination of Test 400 and proper habits, an average male with a reasonably fit body could shake off belly fat in as little as 2 weeks.
With the necessary supplements out of the way, here are several important tips to maintain while on anabolic steroids to help you achieve the body you desire. Remember, steroids on their own does not make you fit; meaningful training is required. Rather than being a free pass to having a fit bod, they enhance the results of hard work, and reward you with faster progress and prolonged results.
Tip #1: Switch from Cardio Exercises to Strength Training
Instead of cardio exercises or repetitive training with lower weights, incorporate more strength training into your routine to dynamically target several muscle groups. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, barbell rows, and presses are highly recommended. With the help of Testobolin 400, your body will burn more fat with strength training exercises than you would with cardio. You will also achieve a higher metabolic effect after you finish your workout, allow your body to cycle through its fat stored in the abdominal area.
Alongside that, your testosterone levels will also increase because heavy strength exercises putting a massive stimulus on your hormonal system. Increased testosterone levels will hint at your muscle system of the annoying build-up of fat in your abdominal area, leading to more efficient fat-cutting and chemical processes.
Tip #2: Walking on an Inclined Slope is Better Than Running
Contrary to popular belief, if you want to lose belly fat, it is much more efficient to walk on an inclined slope than to run on flat ground or on a treadmill. By running too much, you may actually hurt your progress of weight loss. While running burns some calories, it exhausts your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which reduces your overall strength and testosterone levels. This means you won’t be able to lift as much weight during your strength-training exercises, which leads to less stimulus to your muscles.
Instead, walk on an incline at a brisk pace (around 3 mph). Hiking with friends and families is a great way to achieve this activity as well. If you are on a Testobolin 400 cycle, consider strapping weights to your hips or calves when walking to maximize the results. By walking, you’ll spare the fast-twitch muscle fibers by emphasizing the fatigue-resistant slow-twitch muscle fibers in your legs.
Tip #3: Drink More Cold Water
Studies have shown that drinking more cold water (cold, not freezing) helps stimulate your body’s fight or flight function and helps increase testosterone levels. At the same time, the water helps cycle through the toxins and fat in your body and helps perspiration and digestion.
Start with a tall glass of warm to cold water after you wake up—in the morning, your body is already dehydrated because you haven’t drunk liquids in over eight hours. Even just a 1% loss of your bodyweight in water will hurt your physical performance. By being dehydrated, your body will attempt to conserve fluids to avoid dehydration, which is not a good prospect for weightloss.