“Deca-Durabolin” Nandrolone Decanoate 300mg/ml


Deca-Durabolin, commonly known as Deca, is the trade name for the anabolic steroid Nandrolone Decanoate. It has anabolic and androgenic properties. It was designed to resemble testosterone but has one less carbon molecule. Nandrolone is an anabolic steroid that naturally occurs in the body, but in small amounts. It has an impact on bone marrow, and is commonly known to be one of the best off season bulking agents for steroid users. It is commonly known for its healing effects. This formula helps the body to recover quickly, and lubricates the joints. It has a large number of Therapeutic effects making it a common formula used in many areas of medicine. It is medically prescribed for a number of different things. It is well recognized by doctors for its treatment of muscle wasting disease, fatigue, and geriatric weakness. Enhancing protein synthesis, nitrogen retention levels increase, increased red blood cells, and Collagen synthesis.

Distribution and Dosing:

Volume of distribution is between 400 – 600mg per week. This product is injected once a week, and must be used for a minimum of 10 to 12 weeks. Injections are done Intramuscular once a week, or can be broken down into two injections.



Availability: In stock

SKU: INJ-0003 Category: Tags: ,

How is this Product Used?

Dosage: Typical dosages range from 200-600 mg per week. Beginners often start at the lower end, around 200-300 mg per week, while more experienced users may increase the dosage up to 400-600 mg per week or higher.

Frequency: Due to its long half-life, Deca is usually injected once a week. For example, many users administer 250-300 mg once a week to maintain stable blood levels.

Cycle Length: Common cycles last between 8-12 weeks. This duration allows users to achieve significant muscle gains and improvements in strength while managing potential side effects effectively.

Stacking: Deca is often stacked with other anabolic steroids to enhance results. Common stacks include testosterone (such as Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate) to maintain normal physiological functions and to counteract potential side effects. It can also be combined with other steroids like Dianabol for bulking phases or with cutting agents like Masteron for a cutting cycle.

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT): A PCT is essential after a Deca cycle to help restore natural testosterone production and balance hormones. Typical PCT options include Clomid or Nolvadex, which are usually started about 2-3 weeks after the last Deca injection and continued for 4-6 weeks.

Precautions: Regular monitoring of cardiovascular health and hormone levels is crucial. Users should be aware of potential side effects, such as increased aggression, acne, and hormonal imbalances. Liver support supplements and a balanced diet can help mitigate risks.

Man On Treadmill

Positive and Negative Side Effects

Deca Durabolin has milder side effects in comparison to a traditional testosterone formula. Deca is considered one of the safest steroids on the market. We suggest using Nolvadex or Arimidex during your cycle, as well as using HCG on longer cycles. As a post cycle treatment for we suggest Clomid therapy. It is very important to do a post cycle treatment to avoid this side effect.

 Positive Side Effects

  •   Lubricates Joints
  •  Accelerates Protein Synthesis
  •  Increased Strength
  •  Increased Stamina
  •  Mental Clarity
  •  Focus

 Negative Side Effects

  •  Slight risk of increased progesterone, which can mimic estrogen in the body leaving you with similar symptoms as estrogen.
  •  Acne
  •  Water retention
  •  Hair loss for those predisposed to male pattern baldness
  •  Body hair growth
  •  High blood pressure
  •  Increase in Cholesterol

 Product Disclaimer

We always suggest to do your own research before making a decision on which formulas are best for you. Listening to others may put you in danger, and we always recommend for newcomers to make themselves informed of all the benefits, and side effects.

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