“Ostarine” MK-2866 25mg/tab


Ostarine is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators SARMs. It helps educes body fat and prevents muscular dystrophy which cause progressive weakness and loss of muscle mass. It also activate muscle stem cells which help remodel and regenerate muscles. As well stimulates cells in the connective tissue, which are important for a successful recovery from muscle injuries. This is a very fast acting compound- yielding dramatic results in a matter of days. It makes workouts easier, your body mass denser, and recovery will be noticeably faster as well, through accelerated protein synthesis.

Distribution and Dosing:

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Availability: In stock

SKU: PEP-0010 Category: Tags: ,

How is this Product Used?

Ostarine is primarily researched for its potential to:

  • Promote Muscle Growth: Known for its anabolic effects on muscle tissue.
  • Enhance Strength: Improves strength and power output.
  • Preserve Lean Muscle Mass: Used in contexts where maintaining muscle mass is crucial, such as during calorie deficits or recovery from injury.
Man Sitting Drinking Water

Positive and Negative Side Effects

 Positive Side Effects

Increased Muscle Mass
Enhance Strength
Helps maintain lean muscles during at cut
Effective even at low doses
Well tolerated at higher doses
Improve bone strength
Fat loss

 Negative Side Effects

Muscle exhaustion
Disrupted sleep
Changes in menstrual patters

 Product Disclaimer

We always suggest to do your own research before making a decision on which formulas are best for you. Listening to others may put you in danger, and we always recommend for newcomers to make themselves informed of all the benefits, and side effects.

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