With the COVID-19 pandemic finally coming close to an end, or at least as we know it, many of us are planning to reembark on our fitness routines in 2021. While the world has drastically changed for most of us over these past 12 months, a lot of core principles for bodybuilding still remains the same, while some sees slight alterations. If you plan on making 2021 your fittest year ever, this guide will help you achieve that goal by navigating you through proper objectives and pitfalls to avoid.
The Common New Year Resolution: Getting Shredded
Most of us welcome January with resolutions that we plan on accomplishing for the year – or for the first week of the year until our motivation gives in. However, if we stay the course, and utilize some principles to help us reach that goal, we will be able to achieve our fitness goals so long as it’s realistic. Here’s to preparing for your Summer 2021 beach body!
With the pandemic almost behind us, many of us who have gotten accustomed to working out from home is finally about to get back into gyms and fitness centres. However, some still prefer the comfort of their own homes, and that’s totally okay given if you have the proper equipment’s and setting to motivate you. Doing a couple sit-ups in a king-sized mattress won’t do you much good.
For an itemized list, below are 4 tips that will greatly help your fitness goals in 2021.
Tip #1: Create a Fitness Agenda
Without goals in place, even the best of us will get glued to the couch with a bag of Doritos by February. Find an agenda, a notebook, or even the calendar on your phone, and jot down the steps to success.
Record the below:
- The days and times you plan to do your workouts
- The days and times you plan to do your meal prep
- The day and time you plan to shop for groceries
- The times of day you will eat your meals (allow for slight flexibility)
- Your food intake and workout programs
- Your supplements and when and where you will be attaining them
Spend 10 minutes a day filling in the above. You should also allot for some time each week to look over your journal and tweak a few things that aren’t working out with your plan.
Tip 2: Push Yourself Harder Than You Did in 2020
If you want to succeed in making your physique the best it’s been, you will need to push yourself harder than you ever had.
This means you shouldn’t be happy with “just enough”. Find the plans to push your training to the next level, and aim to exceed your limit every time.
Tip 3: Stretch Your Body Before Bed
For a goal that can be quite easily achieved – remember to stretch daily before bed.
Often overlooked, stretching comes with a wide range of benefits. While it won’t directly make you stronger, thinner, or more muscular, stretching has direct positive effects of healing from injuries, helping workout performance, reduce post-workout soreness, and other benefits.
Tip 4: Find the Right Supplements for You
While most gymnasts are accustomed to taking supplements such as vitamins, protein, or creatine, if you want 2021 to be your fittest year yet, consider the addition of anabolic steroids to your workout routine. Oral or injectable steroids such as Winstrol and Anavar, or even just simple Testosterone, can go a long way for your workouts, making your efforts much more effective.
With that said, with great power comes great responsibility – make sure you conduct adequate research before venturing on an anabolic steroid cycle, as misuse can cause unwanted harm to your body. For more advice on proper usage of anabolic steroids, read up on our other articles.