Post Cycle Therapy, otherwise known as PCT, is an essential phase to working out with gear, and deserves just as much thought and planning as your steroid cycle itself. PCT involves taking several prescription medications, which requires you to understand how they all work together, what the effects are, and what the ideal combination, dosage, and length of time to run your PCT protocol for.
Before we get into how you should run your PCT, let’s first define why you need PCT.
Why is PCT Important
PCT is essential to those who work out with the enhanced effect of anabolic steroids for several reasons.
While on a steroid cycle, your body’s normal production of testosterone will be interrupted, and PCT helps adjust that level back to normal. Depending on which steroids you’ve been using, how long your cycle was, and other individual factors, your natural testosterone production could be very low to non-existent following a steroid cycle. Hence, getting your testosterone production back to a regular level is critical to your body’s well being.
Once a cycle ends, your body will struggle to keep up the anabolic state that was previously created, leading to difficulties in maintaining the gains you’ve worked so hard to achieve. In summary, Post Cycle Therapy helps with both solidifying your muscle gains and also ensuring your body’s natural production of testosterone is back to normal levels.
A Highly Recommended Post Cycle Detox
PCT can be thought of as a post-cycle detox. After a few weeks or months of being on cycle with multiple different compounds enhancing your muscle gains, PCT acts as the element that gives your body the rest it needs, while saving the progress on your achievements at the same time.
With PCT, you are essentially telling your body how to function properly again without the influence of steroids in your system. The medical supplements you take will be responsible for resetting your body to its natural testosterone production levels, while keeping your muscle gains at the same time.
With an adequate formula of supplements to take during your PCT, you will be able to come out of your steroid cycle maintaining as much of your muscle gains as possible.
A Delicate Balance
With that all said, the medications you take during your PCT cycle is just as important as the cycle itself. Proper PCT protocol varies for everyone, but the core ingredients usually consists of Clomide, Tamoxifen, and Proviron. If you need help or have questions about PCT cycles, feel free to send us a message. Our experts are always happy to help!